Dual Disorders And Rehab: Issues Of Proper Diagnosis And Treatment

by | Apr 6, 2015 | Business & Economics

In Santa Monica, rehab is sought as a means of resolving an addiction issue. One of the most difficult and confusing situations for some individuals with substance abuse issues is to suffer from what is called “dual disorders.” Because of the nature of their problem, they are easily misdiagnosed. When they reach out for professional help, it may result in them spending time in the wrong facility or being treated with the wrong method. Yet, while this can happen to anyone, it is more common for those who have dual disorders.

What Are Dual Disorders?

The term dual disorders is applied to those who have not one but more than one disorder. Also called “dual diagnosis”, the term refers to someone who may have a combination of drug, alcohol and psychiatric disorders. They combine together to provide a picture than can be misleading. This is a challenge to Santa Monica rehab facilities. If the patient is misdiagnosed, mislabeled or rejected, inadequate treatment will result. This is a scenario for a human tragedy.

Potential Treatment Systems in a Santa Monica Rehab

Those who live with dual disorders are faced with options. They can consider one of several clinical approaches. Each of the systems when offered in a Santa Monica rehab facility has the potential of providing the proper treatment. Yet, as studies indicate, while some approaches are best suited to address a single disorder, this is not sufficient when the individual suffers from multiple disorders.

Treatments in the addiction treatment system vary. They may be:

* Social and medical model detoxification programs
* Short-term treatment programs
* Long-term treatment programs
* Detoxification and maintenance programs
* Long-term therapeutic communities
* Self-help additions

Some may demand abstinence of a certain length before you can enter the program while others are there to help you detox. Some focus on one particular type of therapy e.g. behavioral, while others are holistic in nature. Overall, the best type of Santa Monica rehab centers are staffed by a diverse group of medical and social practitioners including:

* Physicians
* Psychiatrists
* Psychologists
* Certified addiction counselors
* Marriage, family and child counselors (MFCCs)
* Recovery therapists and counselors

The best type of rehab centers have in place a multidisciplinary team that is capable of recognizing the problem as a complex one with multiple issues and disorders and then creating a multifaceted treatment approach with the aim of helping the individual to go beyond denial to responsibility and recovery. Overall, this is a biopsychosocial approach.

Integration, Holistic Treatment and Dual Disorders

When a dual disorder individual seeks help from a Santa Monica rehab facility, he or she needs to be certain the treatment is an integrated one. It must be holistic and capable of addressing both the person’s mental health and addiction. If the treatment is to be a success, it must be as comprehensive as possible.

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